versed sine

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Hait useita sanoja sisältävällä fraasilla. Kokeile hakea sanoja erikseen:

Katso myös: non sine laude approbatur, approbatur


versed sine

  1. latino.

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versini puhekieltä The trigonometric function 1 − cos(x).
1753, John Robertson, The Construction of the Logarithmic Lines on the Gunter′s Scale, Royal Society (Great Britain), Philosophical Transactions: 1750-1755, page 340,

For the divisions, to be laid on this line, are the differences between the logarithm versed sine of 180°, and the logarithm versed sines of the successive arcs.
1805, John William Norie, A New and Complete Epitome of Practical Navigation, page xxii,
But if the given arch exceed 90°, find the natural co-sine of its supplement, which add to 1000000, and the sum will be the natural versed sine required.
1806, John Garnett, Tables Requisite To Be Used with The Nautical Ephemeris, page 41,
The Natural Sines in this table are fractions (radius being unit); and are particularly adapted to Dunthorne′s and other methods of clearing the moon′s distance from the effects of parallax and refraction, where natural sines or versed sines are used ;(..).


  • "Nulla regula sine exceptione."

  • "Wai, eike se Pappein Wirca ole Studera, sarnaa, ia Rucole. Hwij häpie, se Wähe quin kirioitetan, haruoin se sarnatan eli luetan. Quingas wastat Sen HERRAN Domios, ettes aighas culutat Laiskuos. Oij sine surckia Locasecki, etkö neite Mieleses ecke. Haiseua Raato oleuas, ia Matoin Eues cooltuas"


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